Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cold Water

As summer approaches, be sure to think of the bus drives, mailmen, delivery drivers and door to door salesmen and have a cold bottle of water on hand to give them as they make their rounds.  Working in the heat is bad enough but doing it without a cold drink is much worse.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Random Gift

I was down for a couple of weeks thanks to a minor surgery and someone did something random for me.  I was thrilled when a package showed up on my doorstep containing a book my friend knew I would like.  He was right and I spent the next couple of days of my recovery laughing too hard and holding my stitches together.

Next time you're out and about and see something you think a family member or friend would like, pick it up and send it to them just to make their day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Help Your Neighbor

As spring gradually arrives everyone will be eager to get out and do yard work; clearing away dead leaves, mowing and planting new flowers.  If you have an elderly neighbor, or heck, any neighbor who could use a hand, get out there and help them with a little yard work.

You could also help with clearing driveways and sidewalks if you happen to get a spring snowstorm.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Car Wash

As we enter the spring thaw and everyone is looking for a clean(er) car the car wash bays are fully loaded with people looking to get the salt and grit off of their cars.  The next time you're there, leave a few quarters or dollar bills for the next person along with a note telling them to have a car wash on you.  It will surely brighten their day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Toys for Children's Hospitals or Children's Wards

If you've ever had a child in the hospital, you know the toys, books and movies they have on hand can take a pretty tough beating.  Take a moment to call your local hospital and ask if the children's ward needs some updated toys, books or movies.  If so, grab a couple of new items the next time you're out shopping and deliver them to the hospital to make the kids smile.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Craft Hope

Are you crafty?  There is a national organization called Craft Hope that has projects lined up to send handmade items (from softies to blankets to aprons and more) to people in need across the globe.  The current project is "Hope for China."  They are gathering handmade bibs of any kind to send to children in orphanages in China.  Don't know how to sew?  They're also accepting hand knit or crocheted bibs.

Check their blog often as they have different projects throughout the year.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Donate Blood

Did you know 4.5 million Americans will need a blood transfusion each year?  Every two seconds, someone out there needs blood.

Find a local blood donation site and donate blood on your lunch hour or over your weekend.  You could save the life of a neighbor, infant or stranger.

Find a location with the Red Cross.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Be Prepared

Next time you're at an intersection and see a homeless person, be prepared with a gallon zip lock bag full of essentials he or she might need.  A roll of quarters (or a few dollar bills), snacks, hand lotion, travel pack of tissues, bar of soap, deodorant, toothbrush / toothpaste, chapstick, bandaids, gloves (if it is winter), socks and a pack of travel wet wipes.  You could toss in gift cards to local grocery stores or fast food restaurants. Basically let your heart be your guide and put anything you think they may need in the bag.  Keep a bag or two in your car ready to hand out when you come across someone in need.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dollar Store

The next time you find yourself in the dollar store, take a couple of dollar bills and place them in the toy section for little kids to find.  They'll be overjoyed that they'll be able to get a toy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Leave a little note of praise, love or friendship for someone in your life.  You can slap a post-it note on the mirror your spouse will see when they get up or tuck a note in your child's lunch for them to read.  Or just send an email or text to a friend or coworker letting them know you're thinking of them and you appreciate their place in your life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Food Bank or Soup Kitchen

Winter can bring the highest levels of food insecurity among low income families in every neighborhood.  Next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a few extra items for your local food bank.  Need help finding one?  Check out www.feedingamerica.org to find one in your area.

Unable to donate financially?  Find a soup kitchen in your community in which you can donate time by serving food to the hungry or helping behind the scenes.

Remember, if you and your family need assistance with food, do not be afraid to ask for help.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pay it Backward

Next time you're sitting in a drive through line, pay for some (or all!) of the person's bill behind you.  It'll make their day and make you feel pretty darn good too.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Go to the Park...

Today or tomorrow, go to the park with a few helium filled balloons and give them to children who are at the park.  If there aren't any kids there, tie them up the park equipment for kids to find later.

You'll brighten any child's day, guaranteed.