Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Help Your Neighbor

As spring gradually arrives everyone will be eager to get out and do yard work; clearing away dead leaves, mowing and planting new flowers.  If you have an elderly neighbor, or heck, any neighbor who could use a hand, get out there and help them with a little yard work.

You could also help with clearing driveways and sidewalks if you happen to get a spring snowstorm.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Car Wash

As we enter the spring thaw and everyone is looking for a clean(er) car the car wash bays are fully loaded with people looking to get the salt and grit off of their cars.  The next time you're there, leave a few quarters or dollar bills for the next person along with a note telling them to have a car wash on you.  It will surely brighten their day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Toys for Children's Hospitals or Children's Wards

If you've ever had a child in the hospital, you know the toys, books and movies they have on hand can take a pretty tough beating.  Take a moment to call your local hospital and ask if the children's ward needs some updated toys, books or movies.  If so, grab a couple of new items the next time you're out shopping and deliver them to the hospital to make the kids smile.